Binomial Name:Allium Sativum
Varieties:Rocambole,Rocamboles, lke Killarney Red and Spanish Roja,persian Star,Purple Glazer,Metechi, Bogatyr or Siberian.
Garlic isn't just garlic, there are many different kinds of garlic and they're almost all different in size, color, shape, taste, number of cloves per bulb, pungency and storability.Conditions
-Well-drained, fertile, with plenty of organic matter.
-Slightly dry sites preferable.
-Tolerates wide pH range but prefers slightly acid soil (6.2 to 6.8).
-Perennial grown as an annual.Easy if you have rich well-drained soil and good weed control.
-Well-drained, fertile, with plenty of organic matter.
-Slightly dry sites preferable.
-Tolerates wide pH range but prefers slightly acid soil (6.2 to 6.8).
-Perennial grown as an annual.Easy if you have rich well-drained soil and good weed control.
-Garlic prefers cool weather when developing foliage, and warm weather when bulbs enlarge.
-Fall plantings take about 8 months tomature.
-Choose a weed-free, well-drained location.
-Raised beds are ideal.
-Do not plant where other onion family crops have been grown in the past 3 years.
-Using cloves from the supermarket is not recommended. They maycarry diseases or have been treated to discourage sprouting.
-Purchase bulbs from mail order suppliers, garden center, or other local source.
-Break bulbs apart at planting time, keeping papery husks on the individual cloves. Plant with tips up, 2 inches deep and 4 to 6 inches apart in rows 15 to 24 inches apart. Plant elephant garlic varieties about 3 inches deep and 8 to 12 inches apart.
-Mulch heavily after planting to prevent soil heaving - particularly with less-hardy elephant garlic varieties.Remove mulch in spring, leaving only what is needed to suppress weeds.
-For larger bulbs, remove woody flower stalks (scapes) as they appear. Bulblets at top of scape can be used in cooking.
-Plant large cloves to produce the largest bulbs. Plant smaller cloves at closer spacings or in patches for harvest as garlic greens. Save largest bulbs for planting your next crop.
-Prepare to harvest your garlic crop in late July and throughout August. Depending on the weather, the exact harvest time can vary,so it is important to keep an eye on the plants.
-Prepare to harvest your garlic crop in late July and throughout August. Depending on the weather, the exact harvest time can vary,so it is important to keep an eye on the plants.
-Stop watering the plants a few weeks before harvest time. You will need to watch for the browning of the plant leaves.
-When approximately 50% of the leaves have turned brown you should stop watering the plants.
-Spread in a suitable spot for drying. If the weather is wet, dry indoors or in a greenhouse.
-The drying process takes between one and two weeks.Separate any soft or unhealthy-looking bulbs from the healthy ones.
-They will not keep, and if you store them among the dried bulbs the dampness may spoil the other bulbs.
-Store your dried bulbs on trays, tie them together with string or braid them together and hang them.
-Store them in a cool, dry place.
Storing seeds
-Once you have a garlic variety, you need never order it again. (If you can refrain from eating it all!)
-Once you have a garlic variety, you need never order it again. (If you can refrain from eating it all!)
-No cross-pollination happens with garlic. The cloves will produce bulbs just like the ones from which they came.
-The best way to store garlic is out of direct sunlight in even conditions of temperature and humidity.
-Hang them in bunches or braids or keep them in open baskets but don't store them in the fridge or in closed containers.
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