Dairy industry in Kenya is vibrant and it’s rated the best in Africa. High yielding breeds used for dairy agribusiness in Kenya yields between 30-50litres milk per day with the correct management. The average milk yield from one cow producing 30 litres per dayon average is approximately 9000 Litres in one lactation period of 305 days.
Sold at farm gate price of Ksh 40 per litre, it gives a gross income of Ksh3cows×30 litres/cow/day×305days× ksh40=1,098,000from 3 cow 10months. Success of Dairy farming largely depends on the farmers’ ability to select the correct breeds of dairy animals for their various agro-ecological zones, good feeding and overall good management.
Dairy farming in Kenya is practiced both in the highlands and lowlands areas. Smallscale farmers are major stakeholders in Dairy farming in Kenya accounting for 80% production. Large scale farmers accounts for 20% of production.
Dairy farms, milk processing plants and dairy related industries like animal feeds, agro-vets and dairy equipments stores offers employment opportunities to many Kenyans.
Dairy products are rich in nutrients especially protein, calcium, phosphorus, fats and vitamins which contribute greatly to food and nutrition security.
The main breeds selected for dairy farming in Kenya include Friesian, Ayshire, Guernsey, Jersey and their crossbreeds. Friesian cows are large bodied weighing 500-550kgs with black and white coat.Milk potential is 40-50 Litres milk/day.They’re preferred for dairy farming in Kenya highlands.They are heavyfeeders eating 90-110 kg fresh forage per day or 3 gunny bags.
Plenty of clean water about 60 Litres/day should be provided.As a disadvantage, they are heavy feeders Susceptible to diseases, milk fever and high temperatures.Ayshire breed is a large animal with average live-weight of 450kg.
Average milk potential is 30 Litres /day.It has a brown coat with white patches in almost equal amounts. Amount of feeds required is about 90-110 kg fresh forage per day or 3 gunny bags. Plenty of clean water about 60 Litres/day should be provided. The animal is hardy and adaptable most climates, making it suitable for dairy farming in Kenya.
Fleckvieh cow - Fleckvieh which came from south Africa produces milk steadily for 305 days without any decline.
This is a big advantage compared to other dairy breeds. The breed has been known to produce up to 10,000 litres of milk per lactation. Fleckvieh has a more efficient feed conversion rate compared to other dairy cattle. kept under good management, Fleck-vieh dairy cows have been proved to produce between 25-30 litres of milk per day on first calving.
On second calving, it produces 30-35 litres, increasing this to between 30-40 litres after the third calving. The breed resists most of the common cow diseases in addition to being good for beef production as the animal is large in size.
Guernsey breed is yellow to reddish-brown with white patches, adaptable to all climates and management systems with milk yield potential of 30Lt/day. Amount of feed required is 65-85Kg fresh forage per day or 2 gunny bags and 40 litres of water per day.
Jerseys are typically light brown in colour, though the colour can range from almost grey to dull black.
Average milk production is 20 litres per day.A true Jersey always has a black nose bordered by almost white muzzle. 60% of success of dairy farming in Kenya is depends on type of feeds and feeding management.
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