Monday 22 February 2016

Thorn melon farming guide

The thorn melon is the fruit produced from the Cucumis metuliferus traveling vine plant. It is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family, along with most all melons as well as cucumbers and squashes.

The thorn melon is one of few melons that actually resembles a cucumber more than a melon, as its seeds are found throughout its flesh, not just within a seed cavity.
Thorn melon
Thorn melon fruit is an emerging agribusiness activity which is a fast expanding . Growing thorn melon in Kenya has since time immemorial happened wildly particularly in the hot areas like sagana in kirinyaga and the coast province.

The fruit has a good taste and makes nice juice. The fruit has a high demand and good local market prices due to its numerous medicinal attributes. It is said to be good for management of high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity.

Establishing nursery and planting thorn melons - To establish a plot of the crop start by extracting seed from healthy looking fruits. Choose a well developed ripe fruit from the vine. Scoop-out the contents consisting of  seed and pulp, and  plant the seed in the nursery directly.

Seed germination while growing thorn melon in Kenya may be improved by softening the seed coat. Allow the seed together with the pulp to ferment for 1 to 3 days in a plastic container.

The fruit seed is then thoroughly washed after which it is dried in the shade and sown as soon as possible. Improve seed germination by priming which is soaking the seed in warm water for one hour before planting while growing thorn melon in Kenya.

Water the seeds using a fine mist from a hand held sprayer or watering can. Continue watering about twice a day ensuring good drainage of excess water.

While growing thorn melon in Kenya, seeds can be planted in trays or seedbed. Once germinated and having two true leaves they are transplanted to bags or bigger trays to ensure more space so that the root don't become entangled as the seedling grows.

Harden off the seedlings before they are transplanted to the field by setting them out of the shade in the growing area for 2-3 days. Select vigorous seedlings free from nematodes and fungal diseases when growing thorn melon in Kenya. maturity period of growing thorn melon in Kenya is about 4 months.

Health benefits of thorn melon - The thorn melon consists of over 90% water and is rich in vitamin C. It is also a source of iron and potassium.

Uses of thorn melon - Thorn melon can be used in both sweet and savory recipes with or without its seeds. Used in sweet preparations such as ice creams, sorbets, syrups and fruit salads.

To remove the seeds press the interior flesh through a fine mesh sieve. Use the seed free juice to flavor cocktails, smoothies, dressings and sauces. The hollowed shell makes an excellent and unique serving dish.

Its flavor pairs well with melon, passion fruit, banana, coconut, honey and vanilla yoghurt or ice cream. Thorn melon will keep at room temperature or refrigerated for up to a week or ten days.

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