Thursday 12 November 2015

Capsicum Farming

Introduction :- Coloured capsicum which also knows as
“sweet pepper” or “bell pepper” is one of the important
high value vegetable crops cultivated in green houses and to the some extent under shade net house in milder climatic regions like Bangalore, Pune etc.

It is rich in
vitamin-A, C and minerals. Capsicum cultivation is very
popular in Peri-Urban production systems because of easy
access to urban markets in India like Bangalore,
Hyderabad, Pune
etc. It is also gaining importance in Goa
state due to ready market available throughout the year.

It is sold anything between Rs.80- ISO/kg depending upon
the colour, quality and season etc. Capsicum yields in open
field cultivation ranges between 20-40t/ha, where as in a
green house the yield range is from 100-120t/ha.

Suitable Climate for Capsicum Farming :- Capsicum
is basically a cool season crop and day temperatures less
than 30°C is favourable for growth and yield. But due to
introduction of good number of hybrids with wider
adaptability, it can be successfully cultivated in warm
climatic place like Goa state. But very high temperature
results in rapid plant g:’owth and affects fruit set. Lower
night temperature favours flowering and fruit set.
Hence,planting during September-October in Goa will coincide
with milder climate during flowering and fruiting i.e.
November-February. Shading is required during summer to
avoid temperature build up in greenhouses.

Selection of planting material for Capsicum
farming :-
1.The planting material should be healthy, resistant to
diseases & pests.
2.Age of the seedling should be 35 to 40 days old.
Height of the seedling should be 16 – 20 cm.
3.Plant should possess good rooting system.
4.Seedling should have at least 4 – 6 leaves on the
stem at the time of plantation.
Other characteristics like fruit shape, fruit colour, production, fruit quality and vigour should also be
considered while selecting plant material of good variety
of capsicum.

Capsicum varieties cultivated in India :-
S.No.   Variety Colour
1.         Bomby Red
2.        Orobelle Yellow
3.         Indra Green

Growing beds and soil sterilization in Capsicum.

Farming :- The soil inside the polyhouse is loosened to fine
tilth and then beds are formed at 75 cm width with 45
cm height and leaving 45 cm working space between two

Before bed formation, well decomposed organic
manure or Vermicompost along with sand, saw dust is added
to soil @ 10kg per m2.   

The beds are drenched with 4%
formaldehyde (4litres/m2 of the bed) and covered with
polythene sheet for 3-5 days. Afterwards, the polythene
is removed; the beds are raked repeatedly every day to
remove the trapped formaldehyde fumes completely prior
to planting.

Planting , pruning & training in Capsicum farming
:- The ready seedlings are planted at spacing of 60 cm
between rows as paired row system by keeping 30 cm
between plants on raised beds. Before planting, the
seedlings are sprayed with Imidacloprid (0.3mVl) to prevent
any sucking pest infestation in the polyhouse.
The bed should be irrigated with water and kept wet at
the time of plantation.
Capsicum seedling should be sown in
two rows on the raised beds. Plantation of capsicum can
also be done on raised bed with plastic mulch in order to
save water and checked the growths of weeds.

Watering the bed is done daily with a rose can till the seedlings get established well. Afterwards drip irrigation is started daily
to supply 2-3 litres of water per square meter per day
depending on the local weather condition.

Capsicum plants
are trained to retain 2-4 stems per plant. Pruning is done
at weekly interval staring from 15-20 days after

At every node the tip splits in to two giving rise to one
strong branch and one weak branch which is removed
retaining the strong branch. This operation needs to be done once in a week. From 4 th month onwards the pruning operation will be done once in 10 days.

Planting method in Capsicum farming :- Two rows of
Capsicum seedlings are planted in a zigzag method on the bed.
Planting distance in Capsicum farming :- Plant to Plant distance: 40 cm & Row to Row distance: 50 cm.
Sn No.     Total plants         Area of poly
              required                   house (m )
1.                560                      2.5- 3.5
                1400- 1960              2.5-3.5
2              2520- 3528               2.5-3.5
Fertigation and Manure:- The total dose of 150 kg
each of N: P205:~O per hectare using water soluble
fertilizers is given through fertigation for entire crop
growth period of 6-8 months. Water soluble fertilizer
supplying 19% each NPK is used at the rate of 2.5-4g/
m2 for every fertigation by giving twice a week starting
from third week after planting. 

Disease and pest control in Capsicum farming :-
Thrips and mites: It is a sucking pest affects most of
the green house crops. Capsicum are self pollinating but
there is high degree of cross pollination because of honey
bees, thrips and other insects who transfer pollen from
blossom to blossom.  

Pollination is not improved by using an “
electric bees” or by spraying plant hormones but pollination
is clearly better when honey bees or bumble bees fly in the
green house. 

Bees increase the number of seeds in
capsicum fruits.

Ready to Harvest Capsicum.
Fruit thinning in Capsicum farming :- When there
are too many fruits on the plant, it is necessary to remove
some fruits, to promote the development of remaining
fruits. This operation is called as fruit thinning. Fruit
thinning is done when the fruit is of pea size. This
practice is normally followed to increase the size of fruit
thus by increasing the quality of production.

Harvesting and yield of Capsicum:- Harvesting of
capsicum fruits starts from 60 days of planting in case of
green colour capsicum, 80-90 days in case of yellow and
red fruited hybrids. Harvesting continues up to 170-180
days at 10 days interval in green and up to 200-250 days
in red and yellow. Fruits that are mature green, yellow
when it is 75% yellow and red when it is 100% red are
harvested and kept in cool place.

Harvesting of capsicum is done at green, breaker and
coloured (red/ yellow etc.) stage. It depends upon the
purpose for which it is grown and distance for the
ultimate market. In India fruits are harvested at breaker
stage for long distant markets.

For local market, it is better to harvest coloured stage. Breaker stage is the
one when 10% of the fruit surface is coloured and when
more than 90% of the fruit surface is coloured it is
considered as coloured stage.A yield of 80-1OOt/ha(8-1
Okg/m2 ) can be expected from a single crop. Average
individual fruit varies from 150- 200 grams.

Harvested Capsicum
Post Harvesting and Storage :- Capsicum Fruits are
graded to size and colour to ensure a uniform attractive
pack. Shrink wrapping each fruit and storing at 7-8°C
will enhance storability up to 45-60 days.

Capsicum is packed in cartons and should hold about 10 kg or 12 kg of
capsicum. Mostly farmers use apple boxes (used ones) for
packaging capsicum for local market.

Bottom Line:- Growing Capsicum is fun and profitable.

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