Monday, 2 November 2015

The key to a successful poultry farming venture

Owing to the increasing demand for chicken, eggs and the quest for
self employment, many people are turning to poultry farming with mixed
results. Some have succeeded while due to poor planning, others have
failed. They have failed due to their failure to plan. If you are planning
or you are already into poultry farming and you wish to grow it big,
there are factors you need to consider.
battery cage system of poultry housing
 Type of birds - One of the factors one has to consider is the type
of birds one wants to keep. This is vital as other factors are
dependent on it. The housing system, feeds, equipment and facilities the
farmer may require for this venture are dependent on the type of
birds to be kept. Chicken can be kept for their eggs or meat (layers
or broilers) and recently, huge interest has grown for indigenous
chickens. As such, one has to decide upfront what his/her interests
Housing - It is said that by building a good housing system, one solves
more than 40% of all poultry rearing problems. Chicken must be
shielded from hostile weather conditions such as cold, rain, sun and
wind. Safety from predators should also be considered in putting up a
house unit. Snakes, rodents, foxes, dogs, mongoose and other animals
are chickens’ enemies. It is therefore important to confine them in
modern structures. The housing unit should have perches for the
chicken to roost on at night.
simple poultry housing

A poultry shed should be sufficiently ventilated to allow in enough
oxygen for the birds. Wire mesh can be used for the walls of the shed
and it is vital that the number of birds do not exceed the space
capacity of the shed. Overpopulation affects the birds’ health and
increases disease incidences. On average, stocking density should be
five birds per square meter for layers and ten to eleven for broilers.
A traditional brooding basket known as liuli can be used as a brooder
for chicks either inside or outside the house. This is because chicks
should be kept away from the chickens.
Equipment and facilities - With the housing, it is also important that
it is fitted with the necessary poultry equipment and facilities. This is
supposed to be done before the chickens are brought. Some of the
necessary equipments include; feeders, drinkers, culling cage (for sick
birds), heat source (for chicks), egg crates (for layer) and so on.

Based on the type and number of birds you choose to keep, you need
to buy sufficient equipments in advance before getting the chickens.
Source of chickens and Selection of the breeding stock: 
For the initial starting up, you may decide to either buy chicks fromsuppliers or hatch them yourself. In the latter, one has to have an incubator. There are different places to get incubators for hatching eggs in Kenya.

The decision for your source is dependent on capital
available, incubator capacity, location in Kenya among others. You can
get a poultry incubator through the following ways; buy from an eggs
incubator supplier in Kenya – locally made machines or import your own

Locally, incubators may be purchased at KARI centres.
On the other hand, one may decide to multiply his flock especially for
indigenous poultry. In this case, one factor to consider is careful
selection of the chickens and cocks to ensure only better qualities are
passed on. Select a hen that is broody, does not abandon her eggs
during hatching and looks after her chicks well. Select a healthy, strong
cock and a cock should be allowed only ten hens.

The third option is buying a day old chicks. These can be purchased
prom supplies countrywide but we’d recommend the KARI centre in
Naivasha. We’ll continue looking at more factors next month.

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