Sunday, 29 May 2016

All about poultry feeds ingredients

-Advise on feeds formulation for chicks, growers and layers.

(a) Are feeds ingredients such as maize, sunflower and omena ground separately and later mixed in a drum or all ingredients are mixed together and crushed?

-It is better to grind ingredients separately then mix for ease of estimation of quantities to include in the final ration and possible adjustment.

(b) What are the uses and sources of the following ingredients in respect to feeds formulation.
(1) Trytophan
(2) Lysine
(3) Methionine
(4) Theonine

-These are essential (limiting) amino acids, which cannot be synthesised in the animal’s body, and therefore, they must be provided in feeds. The best sources include products of animal origin and amino acid premixes.

(5) Coccidiostats
-These are antiprotozoal agents acting against coccidian that attack the intestinal tract of domestic birds and cause enteritis and bloody diarrhea. They are available in agrovets in the country.

(6) Toxin binder
(7) Mycotoxin binder
-They are mineral and organic acids mixtures that bind toxins and inhibit action of moulds in feeds.

(8) Zinc bacitracitrach
9) Premix amino acids
10) Lime (bone meal)
-They are used as sources of calcium in livestock feeds.

(c) Is it possible to make sunflower
cake, cotton cake and wheat pollard locally from raw ingredients of
sunflower, cotton and wheat respectively?

(d) What feed ingredient is the ground maize cobs? Is it the same as maize germ?
-The maize cob is a byproduct of the maize crop and consists of the maize ‘ear’ without grains and husks.

-This is different from maize germ, which is a by-product of maize ‘grain’ processing for oil extraction.
-The germ is of higher nutritive value than the cobs.

Source: Daily Nation
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